
Welcome to Freedombridge

Where I believe in your ability to empower yourself and lead the life you truly want. 

Personal counselling and psychotherapy of the highest level with twenty five years experience.

Freedombridge is also a personal development group facilitation company established in 2010.

We combine and collaborate with other top level leaders supporting self-awareness and embodied consent.

Freedombridge is the place where you find your own bridge to cross over in to a new land. A place inside you that you chose to newly live. This is a company and people supporting you in that journey across that bridge in a loving and caring way with great skill and many years of diverse therapeutic experience.

This is a place you will find is facilitated by role modelling authenticity through the somatic movement of the body and the key skills of the psychotherapist.

Based in beautiful Saltburn-by-the-Sea in the North East of England, you are so welcome to find us, try an initial one to one session or join one of our groups and make up your own mind.

For direct contact call or text 07944883961 and we will call you back straight away.

Kendal is a counsellor and psychotherapist and a highly experienced group facilitator


Kendal’s style comes from his background in Person Centered and Gestalt psychotherapy training. Which means he will will meet you where you are and engage with you in authenticity. The aim is to reduce the barrier of hierarchy often found between counsellor and client and instead meet you human to human. Connection and the opening of a safe space is crucially made to allow all of who you are to be able to be seen, experienced and welcomed. All issues are then able to be discussed and process without shame in an environment that is flowing and as nonjudgmental as possible.

You are always in charge of your own growth and healing; Kendal is here to facilitate and serve your intentions in a loving, supportive and skilled way.

Previously Kendal supported drug rehabilitation centers in London, developing programs and facilitating recovery and personal empowerment groups. He has added a multiplicity of further trainings to help support the base of his background. For ten years he was a private coach to individual clients working on their health and how to be more happy in their lives. He has been running groups in subjects as diverse as drug recovery, sustained abstinence, finding the work and meaning you love, How to attract what you want into your life, Shame and honesty, movement as meditation, Mindfulness and relaxation, easing past our comfort zones, Authentic meeting and more.

His diversity of training and his continued self-authenticity means that he joins you not just as a skilled counsellor and psychotherapist but also as a personal development trainer with practical tools for growth and suggestions for how you can move forward on a daily basis to become the full person that you chose to be.

Freedombridge as a training organisation has traditionally focuses on deep traditions in classical talking therapy, meditation, movement, personal development and sacred sexuality.

From single day workshops to full three day retreats we are highly experienced at writing and delivering courses to a high level of excellence. Please feel free to see and ask more questions about our August group in consent and how to understand and feel the difference between making love and having sex. A largely non-touch and clothes on group exploring this deep and important subject once again.

The groups allow you to explore your own development at your own pace, in a safe and open space. The intention is to enable you to find empowerment in your body and to make sense of the patterns that have led you where you are. 

The results are massive tension release and new hope as you are led to understand your own power within your own agency, while you are invited to choose who you want to be from now on.

There is nothing you have to participate in. Everything you do is only done with your consent. You will learn how to check in with yourself and what consent really means. Your choice is central to all the work you will do.  The journey is yours, we facilitate, you decide.

(Testimonial video refers to previous workshops in sacred sexuality)


“The workshop space was held by you so beautifully and I felt safe” Beau

“Thank you for creating this space and sharing your knowledge. I had a beautiful experience” Chris